2023 Calendar
Tentative Calendar for 2023 REU Academic Activities
Note: We expect REU participants to meet with mentors at least one time per week (at most two times every week).
May 24 2023: REU arrival day.
May 25 2023 (morning): 10:00AM - noon. Unomaha North campus tour. We meet at the Maverick Village Clubhouse.
May 25 2023 (afternoon): 2:00 PM Initial REU participants' meeting @ REU Lab (PKI 261)
May 26 2023: Introduction to cybersecurity, mobile Computing and IoT (10:00AM - 12:00PM EST)
Introduction to cybersecurity, mobile Computing and IoT (2:00PM EST - 4:00PM EST)
May 29th 2023: Federal Holiday (Memorial day)
May 30th 2022: Talk on research in CS (10:00AM EST).
Task on finding a paper and prepare a small presentation (take a look at https://web.stanford.edu/class/ee384m/Handouts/HowtoReadPaper.pdf)
May 31st 2022: SANS AI Cybersecurity Summit (10:00AM to 2:30PM)
June 2nd Talk about CS Papers (3:00PM)
In this talk we will also talk about writing papers in CS and the different kinds of paper contributions/research that can be done in computer science/cybersecurity
June 5th 2023: Intro workshop day on Intro to AI/Deep Learning (10:00AM)
June 9th 2023: Small presentation on chosen paper from previous week (10:00AM)
June 12th: Research Ethics/Human Subjects (10:00AM) / Take CITI Training.
June 16th 2023: Research Presentation (10:00AM)
June 19th: Federal Holiday (Juneteenth National Independence Day)
June 30th 2023: Mid-project presentations (10:00AM - noon)
July 3rd 2023: Talk about graduate school (10:30AM)
July 4th 2023: Federal Holiday
July 11th 2023: M.S. Thesis presentation: Smartpick: Workload Prediction for Serverless-enabled Scalable Data Analytics Systems. Room PKI 279.
July 13th 2023: Talk about preparing posters. Students should begin to prepare posters @ 10:00AM.
July 17th 2023: Research talk (TBA)
July 19th 2023: Start of last REU week. Students should submit posters on Wednesday to allow for printing and be ready by Monday.
July 24th 2023: Poster presentations in PKI Atrium (noon) along with IEEE i/we Belong workshops
July 25th 2023 5:00 PM: Final REU presentations. Take evaluation surveys.
Students should prepare to travel and leave the UNO dorms the next day for those students traveling.